For me, music has always been a handful of colored strokes on an imaginary canvas, evoking shapes, timbres and poetry, in a kind of magical arena where color and sound merge into poetic feelings. As a boy, I remember painting lying on the bedroom floor, to the sound of Beethoven’s symphonies, and then composing songs admiring Kandinsky’s colorful and miraculous abstract strokes! The act of creating has always inhabited this dichotomy, this magical relationship between music and painting, or, if one prefers, between music and visual arts; in a word: synesthesia. This is what truly moves my creative impetus, what makes me imagine sounds, foresee colors and idealize shapes,  what inspires me to navigate into the undefined world of Art. In each new composition I begin, I spend long hours drawing, coloring, scribbling, as if I were reflecting without words, at the same time that I seek and work on the sounds that will later become music. Visual Music is the closest term I can find to define my creative process. It is my artistic being-here, which makes me passionately experience color and sound, without prejudice, without barriers, without limits. In a wild, but elegant freedom.